Tuesday, November 27, 2007


See me;
I am the musical note C

Play me, feel me,

Let my energy enter into you

Mingle with your energy, tap your soul.
I can change your mood, high C, Low C, Middle C
I am there for you in times of sadness, fear, happiness.
I create the images,
you can feel me,
Feel me, see me, hear me

I am C

I create colours, visions, I am the music of the universe,
I am sound.
I travel slower than the speed of light
There is a reason for this:
It is for you to feel me, as well as hear me
You cannot feel a photon, only see it
But with me, you can feel me

I do not give up on life, because I am slower that the more dynamic light.
No, I am determined
Insinuating myself into your lives
I surround you
Stop and listen to the sounds around you
I am the vibrations, the humming of the refrigerator
The washing machine, the computer.
I am the songs of the song writers, music writers,
Bad voices, good voices.
When you feel down,
Stop and listen
You will hear me calling you

Don’t wait for me, you can mould me
Play with me.
Learn about me
Even the gifted need to learn
Learn how to manipulate me, I am here for you
For free
You see
I am C

We are the sounds and are waiting for you to use us
Success or failure, we will not criticize
We love you, we were made for you to feel us and hear us
I take my bow and wait for you in antiCipation

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