http://www.gnu.org Wow….I was so ignorant, now I know……Wow. Yeah I have heard of Linux and my son uses Linux, I don’t.
I have heard about it. I don’t feel comfortable with monopolies. I want freedom of choice. I have seen it in action. I suppose I am just too lazy to learn how to use it!!! Is that my attitude about other issues? Another group we learned about today is the Electronic Frontier Foundation EFF http://www.eff.org is a non profit organisation founded in 1990 and defender of free speech, privacy, innovation and consumer rights. Now I know about these organisations I will certainly investigate them further.
Creative Commons creating a better future for all….
http://creativecommons.org Is it the ideas? The breadth of the Creative Commons. There is something in this that reminds me of the Philosophy of Star Trek. I can’t put my finger on it, it exists at the edges of my conscious. All info is free to use, which reminds us that we should all (wherever we live) be free to live with the basic necessities of life. Is participation in the electronic world also a right? In the film clip we saw today Larry Lessig ask the questions. Questions, many others as well as myself, have wondered about, but really not taken the time to take a deeper look at what is happening. Not taking the time to actively embrace the future that is happening now.
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