Before Google I used Yahoo and Altavista as my main search engines. I then started using Google beta version and thought that is was the best thing ever on the net. I loved the name, and the idea of Google and became a Googler. Now I have different ideas and am willing to leave Google and return to search engines like Altavista, Yahoo and Ask Jeeves. I never have and never will make Google my home page. I will never have Ninemsn as my home page either.
Search engines rank sites in different ways for example Google ranks sites by how frequently other sites link. Other search engines use met tags which are rather old hat now but this is where they add key words to the main webpage and bots search the web for those words.
Search engines rank sites in different ways for example Google ranks sites by how frequently other sites link. Other search engines use met tags which are rather old hat now but this is where they add key words to the main webpage and bots search the web for those words.
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