When my family first logged onto the internet my children were young and I was petrified at what they would find. What looming horrors would jump out of the computer screen and attack them. Thoughts of the pornographic monster jumping out and grabbing their eyes - to damage their psyche and warp their minds. To unseen predators who were just waiting across the other side of the “information super highway” lurking there waiting to write down my kids names and addresses to come to our house and kidnap them and do whatever.
What we did find on the World Wide Web was a plethora of information from entertainment, news, smut, scary stuff, warped stuff, spiritual stuff, religious stuff, educational and utter garbage. We did follow some golden rules as a family - which was to talk about what we saw and interacted with. Always used a “fake name”. No computers in bedrooms. Had a healthy attitude about the internet and if anyone happened to venture to a place that was forbidden, they would quickly close the browser and start all over again. Today while writing my blog I was searching in Google for a better term for “fake name” I came across an internet site http://www.fakenamegenerator.com/ . Take a look.
Today there is still the fear of internet predators that target unsuspecting children but there is also a contradiction where young people join up to my space or face book and put all their personal information, friends, photos and where they hang out. Now my children are all older and more internet savvy than I am, they show me stuff which enlightens or shocks me and they always empty the temporary internet file folder.
What we did find on the World Wide Web was a plethora of information from entertainment, news, smut, scary stuff, warped stuff, spiritual stuff, religious stuff, educational and utter garbage. We did follow some golden rules as a family - which was to talk about what we saw and interacted with. Always used a “fake name”. No computers in bedrooms. Had a healthy attitude about the internet and if anyone happened to venture to a place that was forbidden, they would quickly close the browser and start all over again. Today while writing my blog I was searching in Google for a better term for “fake name” I came across an internet site http://www.fakenamegenerator.com/ . Take a look.
Today there is still the fear of internet predators that target unsuspecting children but there is also a contradiction where young people join up to my space or face book and put all their personal information, friends, photos and where they hang out. Now my children are all older and more internet savvy than I am, they show me stuff which enlightens or shocks me and they always empty the temporary internet file folder.
Hey Sue, You can tell I don't hold all the same interests as my hubby. So which one is right?
See you later today - Lee
hi^^ can i add ur blog addie one mine?
Hi Hannah, Sure you can ad your blog to yours. I will add yours to mine as well.
High Sue. How is your Web site going for "Writing for the Web?"
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